search and I found it so inspiring!
(I found it @ Deaf Pagan Crossroads)
I find that any time I am not feeling 100% all I need to do is to go outside and spend a little quality time with the ever abundant and joy filled Mother Earth! Sounds pretty hippie dippy, I know... so be it! I find that the more time I spend appreciating my surroundings the more appreciation I feel for myself. I have a beautiful lake behind my house and almost every day I take my kooky little Beagle Duda down to say hello to "my lake". Every time I take the time to do this I receive a lovely boost of joy and occasionally I am blessed with an eagle sighting which adds a dose of pure awe to the mix!
"My lake" was built by the father of my next door neighbor, and great friend, many decades ago. It was a true labour of love on land that was granted to his great great grandfather (give or take a great) for his heroism in the Civil War. The family are all wonderful loving people and the land emanates with their love and appreciation. I feel such incredible gratitude to have the privilege of enjoying this blessed place every day. Just think about the way that domestic plants respond to being loved and appreciated... Take it outside, gang! The results will be world changing!
Thank you for referencing my post on your blog site! I agree, it is a beautiful picture... but even more beautiful is the message it conveys.
Indeed, spending some time outside in the company of Mother Earth is good medicine for the soul... and a dose of joy for the spirit.
Deaf Pagan Crossroads
Thanks Ocean,
And thank you for posting that wonderful photo. Deaf Pagan Crossroads is a lovely and inspiring blog! I meet such cool and interesting people whenever I ask permission to use a photo.
Blessings to you!
Beautifully said, Jen! Getting outside is the number one way that i reconnect with myself. Nature can heal anything!
Thank you so much, Kristen and right back atchya! I just love your post, "Celebrate Spring" and I love GlamSpirit, it is my favorite blog.
I agree 100% that nature truly can heal anything.
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