I was feelin' a tiny tad blue

this morning... no big thang, it happens. Anyway, I turned on my computer and opened a photo that my brother had sent me yesterday. The photo is of me and my nephew, Sundar. It boosted me right up! I am incredibly blessed with a wonderful family and superfantastic friends. When I think about it I feel such beautiful gratitude and joy naturally ensues. So... No more blues! Gratitude works everytime, without exception.
Another favo

rite mood booster of mine is Coldplay mixed with nature. I put on my iPod, cue up
Speed of Sound from Coldplay, go outside, sit down on the grass and look up. Luckily for me I have about seven eagles nesting near my house. If I sit tight for a wee bit o' time I usually get the awe inspiring experience of an eagle or three soaring above me. Once I had the good fortune of having one land in a tree next to me. I adore eagles. I never knew this until I saw them in 'person'. So go outside and look up! Who knows what you might see?
I have been known to lie outside at the grass and stare at eagles - or golden colored hawks, in my case. Their movement and grace is an instant lift. Next time I'll bring Coldplay with me!
I adore this site Jen. Thanks for the link!
Thanks Rebecca!
Anyone reading this, do yourself a favor and check out Rebecca's Blog.
Just click on glamspirit above, it's well worth the trip!
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